Why should you buy organic skin care products? Is it all just hype and marketing tripe that will fizzle out? We think not. There are SO many reasons to buy organic skin care products, but we’ve narrowed it down to 5 of the best:


Read the label of any Nature Deva product to see exactly what you are putting on your skin.  We have a theory if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth then don’t put it on your skin.

Organic Face Oil
Pure Skin Food
  1. IT WORKS!

When you buy certified organic skin care products, you’re paying for high concentrations of pure, plant-based ingredients that enrich and FEED your skin, like an organic avocado FEEDS your body with good fats. Pure essential oils, therapeutic grade nut and seed oils, certified organic herbal extracts, essential fatty acids, natural vitamins and plant-based liposomes and antioxidants are some of the ingredients you’ll find in Nature Deva organic skin care. Forget the lab-produced stuff — these ingredients are straight from Mother Nature, and they are formulated to work together in a beautiful synergy to give you naturally radiant skin. Many skincare brands pretend they are offering you an organic product but only put one organic ingredient in an otherwise 99% non-organic premade base.  These creams are usually full of hidden chemical preservatives like parabens which are potential hormone disrupters.

Paraben preservatives link to birth defects


Nature Deva has always tried to do what is best for the planet, it’s people and animals.  We never test on animals at any stage of the production or development of our organic skin care products. Our products are  clearly labelled to provide accurate information to consumers. No greenwashing or misleading claims here. We buy sustainable ingredients and packagin. We buy fair trade and organic. We support local growers where we can.  However some companies just lie, some mislead by trademarking words like organic, some put just 1% organic ingredients in their products and then name it as an organic product.  Some buy massive batches of premade bases full of chemical preservatives and then add a few oils and claim to make their own ranges.  Sadly this goes on, so ask lots of questions from the maker to be sure they actually made it, and check out how fresh it is. Beware of the word ‘parfum’ or ‘fragrance’ as these could literally be any chemical cocktail.


Organic skin care products are usually made by smaller companies who care about the environment, rather than massive multinationals who may not be particularly eco-conscious. Organic skin care companies generally avoid excess packaging, (we don’t box our products for this reason)  use recycled, recyclable or biodegradable packaging,  and don’t use the kinds of ingredients that can make their way into the water supply and wreak environmental havoc — such as plastic  microbeads or synthetic ingredients.Biodegradable Packaging-Deva


OK so when you go to buy genuine organic skin care products, you’ll soon discover they’re not cheap. But there’s a difference between cheap and affordable.

Sure, you can buy cheaper skin care products but remember – you get what you pay for. Sukin for example are not organic, they have 1% organic ingredients, and the rest is cheap palm oil-based chemicals. When you buy top end products, you’re often paying primarily for marketing and advertising. If you look at the prices of some of the big-name cosmetics brands, you’ll find a product like Skinceuticals selling serums for $230 made mostly from water and vitamin C powder, (ascorbic acid which you can buy from the pharmacy for around $(20) or Mukti Organics who sell products as at least double the price of Nature Deva.

We are very affordable in comparison because we don’t spend money on glossy advertising schemes making false claims or spend money on paying lots of reps (Doterra and Young Living) or expensive shop fittings.

When you buy a cheap skin care product, you’re often paying for water and a bunch of lab-produced ingredients of dubious quality. If you buy super expensive you are paying for the marketing department and some CEO’s bonus.

So — if you haven’t already joined the organic revolution, like  millions of healthy eco-warriors who care about their bodies and their home, mother earth, what are you waiting for?

Nature Deva now has all our individually formulated organic face creams in 30ml sizes for $20.00 so you can afford to put a little bit of organic goodness on your face every day!

Blog News Feb 2023 Buy Australian Made from Small Businesses That Care About You and the Planet.

Buy Australian Made from Small Businesses That Care About You and the Planet.

You know it sounds like an old slogan, but here is the thing, Australia has seen many manufacturing jobs go over the last few decades, clothes, cars etc.  However small and micro craft business like Nature Deva are trying to keep manufacturing alive and well in Australia.  We are making our products here in Australia, using where possible local ingredients. This means we are supporting other Australians in growing, harvesting, and distilling ingredients, and employing myself and a few friends, in making and selling products and hopefully, helping boost small independently owned shops by providing them with an affordable and fresh organic skincare/ hair care range for their customers.

It might be cheaper to buy imported mass produced cosmetics, they might even have a neon eye catching label, or a false claim on the front, but as well as them not being fresh and instead full of chemicals preservatives, palm oil or cheap petrochemicals.  This means cheap imports only add to deforestation for palm oil and sweat shops for labour.

There are other issues with cheaper imports too, In countries such as China if they are making or exporting or importing cosmetics, they HAVE to be tested on animals, it is part of China’s cosmetic manufacture legislation. This is why Nature Deva doesn’t export products to China, unlike Jurlique, or Sukin (who only ever have 1% organic ingredients in their products read the labels carefully, and next months letter will be about Greenwashing… companies pretending to be greener than they are). Nature Deva refuses to export to China because we don’t want our shampoos rubbed in the eyes of rabbits. See this link for more info Animal Testing in China How China Tests Cosmetics on Animals and how all Aussie made products exporting to China, have to have their products tested on animals in China before they can be sold.

This cruelty to animals is just not deemed necessary or acceptable to in most Australians.  After all many essential oils have been around for thousands of years, and many of our ingredients are edible so it just isn’t necessary. Cosmetic manufacture and Nature Deva has never been a part of animal testing. None or our ingredients are tested on animals, our end products are tested on willing friends, family and willing customers.  Our only animal product is beeswax collecting from local beekeepers who love their bees.

So next time you find yourself in a large department stall looking to grab a cheap import, just stop and think about what is it really costing? Some Australian ‘s job? If Australia loses it’s skills to make this decade what will we pass on to our children? Or is that cheap Sukin product costing an animal to be tortured in China?

Every purchase you make is helping to look after your fellow Aussies and the planet, or it is supporting cheap labour, chemicals, and more carbon emissions.   It can feel hard to make these choices every day with every purchase.  It is hard to read the labels all the time and be aware of how the product was made and how much it is really costing, but Nature Deva try and make it clear.  We are here, we value products being made in Australia,  we value organic ingredients and producers, we value looking after nature and looking after our bodies, minds and soul, we value the planet and all the species we share it with  and we really value YOU our lovely customers, for without you there would be no Nature Deva products in existence. If you share our values, please help us to keep going and make a purchase from us this coming month. Covid restrictions  killed our outdoor market business, now in order to keep going we need your support.  Thanks for your attention lovely customers Penny xxx

Nature Deva
Penny, Researching, Formulating, Creating and Providing You with Organic Care Products since 2004.